Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Top 10 most popular Sex Style Woman

Monotonous sex? Perhaps it is because the style of sex (ML) You are always-that's it. Variations in sex is `absolute` must have if you want your sex life more passionate and intimate.Try 10 promising new style sensation. You and your partner will definitely hooked, and continue to love. But do not forget to keep it hot foreplay when having sex! 

1. The Two Horizon Try lying on your stomach with your legs straight and left slightly ajar. Both hands can be in front or bent to refute your face.Ask the couple lying on your body. The position of her legs open wider and place it on the outer side of your foot. While the position of the hand may prop up your breasts.If Mr. Dick was sliding into her vagina, close the legs you soon. You may also cross your heels to 'attack' is more pronounced.This style promises immense pleasure to those that may be difficult to feel an orgasm. With both feet together and ankles crossed, you will feel Mr. Dick couples explore the inside of Mrs. V.Besides her acting partner can do some teasing kiss. Both hands can be used to stimulate both your nipples.Want to feel more sesnsasi?Ask your spouse to stop moving with Mr Dick remained inside. Then do the movements 'pinning' repeatedly while to catch my breath. Not only couples who can feel pleasure, you will experience multiple orgasms.The difficulty level of this variation is 3, while the satisfaction level 9.

 2. The Victory Try to lie down with a pillow over his head. Then, have your partner kneel in front of you and sit resting on his legs. Raise both your feet and put on his shoulders.Before you begin, make sure Mr Dick was 'ready' into your vagina. To maintain balance, your partner can hold on to the side of the bed or body. If it is convenient to move, start doing the up and down rhythmically.This style is suitable for those who need a sexual adventure without boundaries. If done well, you will get the friction on the walls sensational Mrs V and G-Spot. While the couple will get a great thrill out of each friction did you both created.Moreover, when moving you will feel a tremendous stimulus to the nipple. Because, at that time your thighs rubbing against the nipples and this can lead to both nipples tighten and become more sensitive to friction.The difficulty level of this variation 4, while the level of satisfaction 7.

 3. The Diamond Ask the couple lying on his back. Use a pillow to support his head. Then, sit on top of your partner's body with your feet knees and hands are at his sides.Lead Mr Dick entered Mrs V. When ready, shake your hips like a diamond shape, towards the top, right, bottom, left and back again to the top. Do not forget tambakan movement up and down with a slower tempo. Feel the ecstasy that is very exciting.Variations woman on top is perfect for those who want to take control and control enjoyment. This style also allows Mr. Dick touches all parts of the Mrs V.When you shake your hips down, your partner will find the G-spot located in the front wall Mrs.V. This position is also very indulgent Mr Dick who will feel the pleasure of every sway you.3 difficulty levels this variation while satisfaction levels 6

4. The Scissors Lie down with a pillow under the head. Ask the couple kneel between your thighs with pedestal one knee, while the other leg stretched. Let one of your feet are under a couple feet apart, while the other leg wrapped around his waist. When ready, Bantu Mr Dick get into your vagina.This cutting style is quite complicated. However, this style of movement will create full contact between Mr. Dick and Mrs. V. This style also allows deeper penetration penis and touching the G-spot area and provide extra friction to the vagina areaThe difficulty level is 7 and the variation in satisfaction levels 9. 

5. The Rain Perform this style in the bathroom ya! The first step, ask the couple reclining on bathup with two straight leg position. Then take a sitting position on his knees with his back to the partner's body.Put your legs on the side of his thigh. After Mr. Dick breaking into her vagina pass back, semburkan water shower on the front of your body, especially the area Mrs V.This style is suitable for you who need a challenge and do not want to get to a climax. The presence of a couple in the back you can give pleasure for him free plus stimulate your breasts. Bursts of water will add to the enjoyment of the area down there.The difficulty level of this variation 6 while the level of satisfaction 8. 

6. The Cross Bow Bend your body with both hands resting on the floor. You can also use a chair to grip and Offsetting your body. Let your foot position open rather wide. In a standing position, have your partner insert penis into her vagina through a slit in between your buttocks.This style is suitable for you and your partner do not have much time for the ML and want to quickly achieve satisfaction. This position will certainly give an opportunity to Mr. Dick to control movement and dive as deep as possible.For you alone, this style allows the penis more easily and freely to stimulate your G-Spot. If you want to feel sensations more intense, have your partner stand when you play your butt in a circular motion.The difficulty level of this variation 6 while the level of satisfaction 7.

 7. Side By Side Lie and have your partner lie on your side as well so that the position of you and your partner face each other. Lift your legs up her waist, to Mr. Dick to get space to move into.To facilitate penetration Mr Dick, let your partner push her legs bent slightly ahead of you. You can put his hand on the neck of a couple with the head slightly raised. With the position of your neck at the mouth of a partner, will enable it to do a stimulus to the neck area.Although somewhat cumbersome, sideways position is sufficient to provide a great thrill for you and especially to the couple. In addition to penetrate deep enough, the couple will receive a great stimulus to Mr. Dick.The difficulty level of this variation 6 while the level of satisfaction 8.

 8. The Hang Off Lie on your stomach with your upper body slightly dangling on the edge of the bed. Use your hands to hold the parts of the body resting on the floor. Point your eyes to the floor.Let your partner lie face down on top of you. Ask him to raise his height so as not to burden your body. To maintain balance. Let your partner's hand resting on his back. Spread your legs so it could be a couple feet between the two legs.With a quick movement and stimulants, Mr Dick could feel the tingle of extraordinary. While you yourself will also feel a wave of unparalleled pleasure. The position of the head dangling make blood flow smoothly cruised so you will immediately raced to the highest kenimatan.The difficulty level of this variation 9 while the satisfaction level of 10. 

9. Table Manner Lie face down on the table with the position of the stomach just below the edge of the table, while the abdomen to legs hanging down. Ask your spouse take a position right behind you.It would be easier, if you open your legs wider, lifting buttocks and legs upward, then bend your waist so that your partner easier access into Mrs V. Ask pairs holding the two front legs to maintain balance while Mr. Dick penetrated.If the position is done perfectly, you and your partner will get a great sensation. Because this position allows couples to penetrate more deeply and set control. With the right angle, Mr Dick could easily detect the presence of the G-Spot.3 difficulty levels this variation while satisfaction levels 8. 

10.The Next 69 This position puts you on top of your partner's body is lying on his back but contradictory. Your head face with his foot, and vice versa. This style can be used as a final step after you and your partner to warm up in the form of oral sex with 69 position.Lay the body on both legs are slightly splayed. Bend your knees in addition to their body. When your pelvis moves penetrated, the breasts will rub against the leg shin. Bertopanglah on both arms so that your elbows can be slightly straightened his back. It will increase energy while moving your hips.This position makes you feel breast stimulation and G-Spot. The clitoris can be terstimuli by `balls` belongs to a couple who berpermukaan uneven. It gives the sensation of a powerful stimulus to the rest of your body.You can also get stimulation from other points such as the inner thighs and perineum area. Moreover, if the pair is in excellent condition both passionate tightly gripping your groin.The difficulty level is 7 and the variation in satisfaction levels 10.

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Free Sex Effect on Reproductive Health.

Free Sex Effect on Reproductive Health.

Knowledge about the impact of teen sex is still very low. The most prominent of sex activity is the increased number of pregnancies outside of marriage sex diinginkan.Hubungan showed no sense of responsibility and raises a series of new problems that cause physical and psychosocial humans. Dangers of abortion, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the destruction of the institution of marriage, and ambiguities lineage. Family life marred sekuleristik values ​​and freedoms will only damage her family and gave birth to the furthest generation of joints religion.

   Sexual activity is essentially a part of the fulfillment of which is strongly influenced instinct stimulus from outside the human body and nature berfikirnya. Minimizing the things that excite, curb appetite and master blast. Adolescence is indeed very concerned about sexual issues. Many teenagers who love reading porn, see pornographic films. Increasingly when they are dealing with sexual stimulation such as sounds, talks, writings, photos, touch, and more. This will encourage teenagers caught with illicit sexual activity.  

Reproductive care is not synonymous with the use of control. Reproductive system in its growth as well as other organs, requires a certain period so as to achieve sustainable petumbuhan maximum. Therein lies the importance of assisting parents and educators to provide a true understanding of the growth of the reproductive organs. Understanding relating to adolescent reproductive organs must be implanted according to the logic levels of ability and age them. Thus, young people will be anxious when faced with events of the first menstruation, premenstrual syndrome get through safely.

According to the WHO Reproductive Health is a state of physical, mental and social whole, not only free from disease or disability in all aspects relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes. Or a state where people can enjoy their sex life and be able to perform the functions and processes in a healthy reproductive and aman.jika teen sex free teen it will be susceptible to diseases such as venereal diseases below



Germs cause: Neisseria gonnorrhoeae.


The incubation period or the spread of germs: 2-10 days after sex.


Symptoms: pain during urination, redness, swelling and ulcers on the genitals.


Complications arising from: strep infection panggunl, barren, cause blindness in babies born.


Examination: gram staining and culture in order.





Syphilis (LION KING)

Germs cause: Trepanema palidum.
Incubation period without symptoms lasted 3-13 weeks, then raised bumps around the genitals, accompanied by headache, bone pain, will disappear temporarily. 6-12 weeks after intercourse appears red spots on the body that can disappear unnoticed. 5-10 years the disease will attack the brain nervous system, heart and blood vessels.
Complications in pregnancy: to deliver with a physical disability such as damage to the skin, spleen, liver and mental retardation.
Examination: laboratory tests to detect RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagent) and TPHA (Trepanemaalidum Hemagglutination Assay).






Caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis.

Symptoms that may arise include: watery vaginal discharge greenish yellow, frothy and foul smelling; Around pubic swelling, redness, itching and discomfort.

Complications that can occur: blisters around the genitals, premature birth, facilitate transmission of HIV infection.


Laboratory tests to detect wet KOH preparation.




MOLE Ulcer (Chancroid)


Caused by the bacterium Hemophilus ducreyi.

Symptoms that may arise are: Luka more than 2 cm in diameter, concave, irregular edges, out pus and pain; usually only on one side of the genitals. Frequently (50%) accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the groin reddish (bubo), which if broken will fester and pain.

Tips to Boost Your Sex Stamina

Tips to Boost Your Sex StaminaIf you are looking for methods to increase sexual stamina, these tips can really help you. Try to start practicing in the style of your everyday life.

It is no doubt true that you have to be physically fit if you need to perform better in bed.Sex, however, is an aerobic activity because it makes you breathe faster. Therefore, you must have a good heart.

Invest your time in aerobic exercise to help you improve your sexual stamina and stay fit for a longer period of time. People who go for daily walks are sexually active without problems even when they are approaching their sixties and beyond.

Eat a healthy dietThe more constipation and heat-inducing foods you eat, the slower you will be on the sex. Eat more salads and even declared to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. For men, also recommended a diet rich in protein because that can help in improving the quality of semen.

Drink plenty of waterAt least 8-10 glasses of water per day is recommended. This helps in keeping the body in a normal cycle and that definitely helps you in good sex.

The tips on how you can improve your sexual performance itself so you increase your sexual stamina:- When you are with your partner, try to go slow with the sexual act. If you penetrate too quickly, you may not be able to keep longer and can be interpreted as a case of premature ejaculation. Conversely, if you spend time in foreplay and make your partner and yourself very aroused before penetration, can go a long way in improving your sexual performance.- Have meaningful conversations with your partner right before the sexual act. This helps in performing sex more satisfying, so that implies that you have better sex stamina.
- Wear a condom. This helps in reducing sexual arousal and you can continue with the sexual act for a long time.- For men, start and stop technique is highly recommended. If you are just about to ejaculate, stop and remove the penis from the vagina. Then enter again. Do this several times. sexual acts you would go long and you will find that you do not lose your sexual stamina when you do this technique.
 Many people are sweating out how to increase sexual stamina. Whether male or female, this question always comes up, and gave birth to many answers. Though there are many natural ways that will boost your sexual stamina.
1. Stop ThinkingToo much thinking often destructive romance. So leave your body, not your mind, think and respond to whether you feel good or not. Too focus on appearance, for example, is often a trap that makes the sexual experience even feel empty.

2. Performance vs. PleasureStamina during sex can also be decreased when too focused on performance. Anyone want a fantastic sexual experience, but if the results should always be objective, actually even make anjlog. Rather than planning what acrobatic positions that would be used, focus to achieve pleasure. Let the pleasure to be a teacher who directs what and where sex will progress. Not all of us is not a circus performer?

3. MasturbationOne way to increase sexual stamina is through masturbation. But quite simply when you are approaching orgasm, and immediately tightly handheld base of the penis, to stop the orgasm. Doing this a few times before having sex with a partner is a natural way to strengthen the ability to control orgasm during intercourse.

4. SleepSexual Stamina is also influenced by the amount of rest the body. It is true that sex is still attractive even in a state tired though, but in the end, lack of rest will take effect. Also included if sleeping too much, which will make the body feel tired and will affect stamina.

5. ExerciseContrary to popular belief, do not have to be an Olympic athlete to increase sexual stamina. Too much exercise will actually make the body tired and unproductive because the muscles are too saturated. To obtain a better sexual stamina, do regular exercise that is not too much energy. Even an athlete running a marathon was not possible all the time, then why do you force your body to do it?Some Plants Effectively Boost Sexual StaminaSince the first, a number of natural herbs believed to have efficacy to overcome sexual problems in men, ranging from decreased arousal to decreased sexual stamina.

Although today there are many different types of powerful drugs on the market, such as Viagra or Cialis, it is still a lot of people, especially in Indonesia are more confident with the efficacy of a number of the following herbs:

Eurycoma Longifolia (Euricoma longifolia)Plants are found growing earth peg in Borneo, Sumatra and Papua. The root of this plant is similar to wood or nails stuck into the earth, so the earth is called pegs. While in Malaysia, the plant is better known as the 'stick' Ali '.Rod pegs earth has androgenic effects, which play a role in improving the functioning of hormones that regulate the central nervous system associated with sexual behavior. Historically, this plant is known efficacious as a medicine for the mighty men, which is beneficial to improve sexual performance and overcome impotence.

Typically, herb earth peg powder sold as herbal medicine and drunk like tea brewed manner.Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum)Cinnamon has been frequently used by mothers as an ingredient for baking or sprinkling coffee. However, the plant is apparently also has properties to improve the quality of sexual activity

.According to a study led by Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Research Foundation in Chicago, cinnamon has the most stimulating fragrance for men. Aroma is able to increase blood flow to the male sex organs that keep them stimulated.

Therefore, there is no harm put cinnamon in the dough that will be served as a snack for a husband.Ginkgo bilobaGinkgo biloba has been used as a medicinal plant in China since 2800 BC. The plant is believed to have the ability to prevent dementia and brain damage, the way is to increase blood flow to the brain thus improving nerve function (neuronal) and protect the brain from the adverse effects of neurotoxins.

In addition, ginkgo biloba is also efficacious to overcome sexual dysfunction in men (impotence), because it can increase blood circulation to the penis.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)According to the Beijing Institute of Herbal Medicine, the use of ginseng as a medicinal plant has been going on since about 10,000 years ago. The plant is claimed to have various benefits, ranging from reduced fatigue, increase stamina, improve mental state, preventing diabetes, removing toxins, and so forth.

In Korea, ginseng plant has always believed mighty powerful boost men, because it can increase blood flow to the sexual organs. Ginseng root is usually brewed and drunk as tea or taken in capsule form. Plants Effectively Boost Sexual Stamina.

How Vital Tool For Hard And Long Lasting

What man would not want to have a penis hard and durable? However, in reality, most men experience their sex organs flabby and unable to erect durable. Well, as quoted from have 6 to care for vital equipment for strength and durability.
Six Tricks Strategies Overcome Mr P Flabby

HAVE A big penis and tight is a dream of many men. As a symbol of virility, Mr P is so valuable when able to satisfy their partner. But what if Mr. P does not have a good ability in terms of erection?

No need to worry, try these tips to make a hard penis when erect it. You do not have to go to a doctor or therapist, just doing some healthy treat Mr P so strong and can last longer in bed, as reported by AskMen.

Adjust your diet and menu
Eat only healthy foods, let alone are able to increase libido. High libido relate to a strong stimulus for long-lasting erections. Examples of these foods are bananas, eggs, beans, peppers, onions, and wine.

Train your penis

Kegel exercises can make erections stronger. Will also increase testosterone which also affect libido.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Smoking affects the quality of blood circulation, including those leading to the penis. While alcohol can make the body numb, and cause dysfunction erectile dysfunction ereksi.herbal

Reduce masturbation

Excessive masturbation is done cause your sex drive decreases. As a result, the strength of erections weaker as reduced sexual libido when done with friends.

Use appropriate style sex

Style missionary and doggy style sex is a style that allows the circulation of blood in the penis going pretty fast. Blood flow smoothly make erections stronger too.

8 Ways To Lasting Long In Associated Intimate

Every married couple must have longed for long lasting intimate relationship. Intimate relationships are long and romantic is one factor of domestic harmony.However, for men, there is a frightening when having sex with their partner is premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation make sex become as bland as the first male orgasm from their partner. As a result, it can lead to disappointment for the woman.In addition, long-or erectile factors also become important in sex.

Therefore, there are eight (8) essential tips for men that can last longer in bed:More DurableEvery man often feel worried when it comes to premature ejaculation. Various methods are used to increase the size, strength and stamina for erections. Consumption of drugs, treatments, exercise, done for a durable in bed.

Actually, you do not need the stress. All you have to do is maximize what they have and lead a healthy lifestyle. Try some realistic tips below, which you can do in order to get maximum erection.Note the intake of foodGood nutrition is key to gain sexual power is doubled. Carbohydrates, useful for building energy beam, which is needed by the body to carry out all the activities. You also need to take iron every day. Iron is a vital ingredient in testosterone, seminal fluid and sperm. You can find the source of this mineral from seafood, peas and beans. Or for the more practical you can buy iron supplements.

Although requiring adequate food intake, avoid overeating just before having sex. Usahan eating one hour before sex, so that the digestive process runs perfectly.PositionThe position of the man who was on-like the missionary position and doggy-style in men benefit more, because this position thus stimulate blood flow erection impacts durable and strong.Instead, avoid having sex in the woman on top position at the beginning of the session intercourse. Gravitational tug will release the flow of blood from your erection. The woman on top also makes controlling the movement, so that it can make a man lose control at the time of penetration.

Reduce sensitivityThe classic way to reduce excess sensitivity is to use a condom. But if you do not want to use a condom, you can try another way. Occasionally remove the penis from the moment you feel Ms. V will reach a climax. This trick is useful to take your mind sejanak to avoid ejaculating too early, but did not reduce the strength of erections.

Set the therapeutic treatmentTherapy treatments for several diseases such as depression, phobias, and anxiety, can cause side effects erection strength. Instead, consult with your doctor to make sure you do not get excessive prescriptions, resulting in the death of your sex life.Save powerDo not make yourself tired in early session during intercourse. Too tired at the beginning can lead to erection so mushy. So, measure your strength limits.No need to be nervousToo anxious and nervous can actually make your erections become soft. Try to make yourself comfortable while having sex. The first time you have sex with your partner, you certainly haunted by anxiety. In order to smoothly, you should find a way to make yourself feel more relaxed.

SportPerform abdominal exercises. This movement had a hand in helping your abdominal muscles to maintain an erection. In addition, a flat stomach and bulge will not make you more confident, and feel comfortable with the form to the body.
Selian abdominal exercises, you can also do Kegel exercises to Mr P. Although it is not shown to increase in size, but it can help maintain an erection lasting longer.Avoid smoking and excessive alcoholSmoking makes the blood circulation worse. In fact, when you want to have sex, much needed blood flow. So if you want a sex life that is always hot, it's a good reason to stop smoking. Drinking too much alcohol also affect your prostate.

4 Position For Long-Lasting Intimate Relationship

It is difficult to determine the position of ML enduring? Do you want to find the position of intercourse and keep an erection lasting until the end?

There are a few tips on good and comfortable position that allows you to more durable and satisfy your partner, in addition to satisfying yourself.

According to the citation Askmen.Com, before starting intercourse, try to set the position where sex can last longer. In this case, there must be positive thinking about what you will accomplish. You must believe that you can satisfy yourself and your partner.

If you have a medical history such as erectile dysfunction, then this position could help you get a new excitement. The trick? Get used to warm up.

Foreplay is very important. Enjoy this warm moments by playing everything. That means show your creativity to explore the whole body. But remember, this is just a warm up to him more excited.Indirectly, if you can play it, then you will also be very passionate. Pause, play, hold, play!So, how comfortable position and can help make copulation can last longer, without worrying about ejaculation?

LieThis is not an explosive sexual positions, because simply by leveling the body on the bed. This means that your partner lie resigned to accept your exploration of his body. This position is usually the most helpful for men who want to extend the time persetubuhan.herbal long lasting erectionIn this case, you can try to practice a pattern interrupt, to withdraw your penis from her vagina, and hold ejaculation. After that, re-enter and play within the play Mrs V.

Remember, when he lifted his leg up or lift your own body, you may end up feeling more intense sensations. Therefore it is recommended that you start with a mission from the body-to-body and slowly, attain peak comfortably.

Sitting on Top of YouAnother comfortable position to sit face to face. You sit with your legs crossed with his legs, and he was sitting on top of you. Let him control the tempo of the game.

The most fun of this position is that you can be reached for her, drawing her back to be close, even emphasize your chest to chest. In this position, let him bite the neck or grabbed to master your body.If you are familiar with this position and learn to control your penis, then you can give the other direction, such as how to adjust the position of the hand or foot balancing position.

Lie down and let your rides couplesLet him take a squatting position. However, this position is often not profitable because the contact is a vital tool to his genitals, while other body parts are not. And it can also make sperm be spilled.

Sideways PositionThis position is actually more appropriately made to sex the morning (morning sex). Your position behind, lift her legs, then explore the sensitive area, before you enter the 'weapon' you. Perhaps first of all felt a little claustrophobic, but after a long time will be more comfortable. Most people can last longer with this position.

How to Delay Ejaculation

Usually, women like men who can last longer in bed so as to make them orgasm multiple times. Men who experience premature ejaculation tends to upset their partner. Therefore, it is important for men to delay ejaculation to meet and satisfy the sexual needs of women.

There are several ways to delay ejaculation. One of them is to reduce anxiety before having sex. Masturbation really help in this regard. It's proven to make men hold twice as long. You can relax and your genital area becomes less sensitive.

The position is also important in sex. The position of intercourse can control when a man reaches orgasm. Be sure to use the position where the female partner can dictate the pace and movement. The best position is the woman on top while you sleep on your back. With the woman on top position, the men have less control over the rhythm of the movement so that the possibility of a small premature ejaculation.

Another way is to take your mind to other things when thinking about having sex as a sport or counting numbers. It could also reduce the anxiety that makes sex last longer.

The methods described above provide temporary relief for some people. There are other ways to delay ejaculation is to train the PC muscle. In addition, you need to change the mindset Anda.solusi lasting intimate relationships

Once you can do this, you can be in full control over your ejaculations so satisfying your partner. And finally, The he became more in love with you.

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

The importance of sex education

During this time, if we are talking about sex, then having in mind that most people are having sex. In fact, sex is meant to distinguish the sex of a male and female are biologically.People would consider taboo when talking about sex, he considers sex education will encourage teens to have sex. Most of the public still believes the stereotypes with sex education (sex education) as svulgar.Definition of Sex Education (Sex Education).
Sex education (sex education) is an information about human sexuality issues are clear and correct. That information includes the process of conception, pregnancy until birth, sexual behavior, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of health, psychological and social. But others argue that sex education (sex education) is a knowledge that we teach about all things related to sex. These range from the growth of sex (male or female). How is the function of sex as a means of reproduction. How is genital development in women and in men. About menstruation, wet dreams, and so on, until the onset of estrus because of changes in hormones. Including future marital problems, pregnancy and so on.

Sex education or reproductive health education or a more trend-his "sex education" should be given to children who have grown up or young, whether through formal or informal education. It is important to prevent bias in sex education and knowledge about reproductive health among adolescents.Importance of Sex Education (Sex Education) For TeensThere are a few things on the Importance of Sex Education for Youth, among which:• To find sexual information for adolescents• Have an awareness of the importance of understanding sexuality• Have an awareness of sexual functions• Understand adolescent sexuality issues• Understand the factors that cause sexual problemsIn addition there are two factors why sex education (sex education) is very important for teens. The first factor is where the children grow into young adults, they are not yet familiar with sex education, because parents still think that talking about sex taboo adahal. So from the lack fahaman teens are not responsible for the sexual or reproductive anatomy health.

The second factor of ketidakfahaman teens about sex and health of their reproductive anatomy, in the social environment, it offered only a commodity, such as the media presents things that are pornographic, among others, VCD, magazines, internet, and even impressions TV is now even lead to things like that. The impact of ketidakfahaman teens about sex education, a lot of negative things going on, such as the high sex outside of marriage, unwanted pregnancy, HIV transmission, and so on.

There are some opinions that say, "sex education" deserves to be included in the curriculum in secondary schools, especially students on this is puberty. Sex Education "Sex education" is essential to anticipate, discover or prevent the sexual activities are free and able to avoid negative impacts.Maybe we realize the importance of sex education because many cases of promiscuity among teenagers appear today. When we speak of free association, it is already emerging from the first, only now it looks worse. Teen promiscuity can also be triggered by the increasingly sophisticated as technology advances, as well as well as global economic factors. But just blaming it all also not the right thing. What matters is how we are able to provide sex education (sex education) to the younger generation. CPM Program CPM Program